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    Контрольная 1-4 по английскому, вар 1

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    Контрольная работа № 1
    Вариант 1
    HOW TO GET THERE (an American Visa)
    In order to travel to the USA you need an American visa. An application form for an ordinary tourist visa can be obtained from a travel agent, at least in Britain. Instructions for filling it out are given with each form, as is the address to
    which the completed form should be sent. Note that you need a form for each person, including children.
    Once you have completed the form, you or your travel agent-travel agents can often do it quicker—will then have to send it to the United States Embassy, together with your passport, a passport-sized photograph, a stamped addressed envelope, and "evidence" that you intend to return to your native land. A note explaining that you have a job/house/family/dog to come back to will usually do. You may also have to swear that your uncle is not a communist (It doesn't matter if he is—-just swear that he isn't).
    It may take up to four weeks to get the visa, though sometimes it can be much quicker or slower than that. If you are to a hurry, it is possible in Britain to go to the United States Embassy and line up. This process is tedious and may take hours, but it is quicker than four weeks.
    A tourist visa is normally valid indefinitely. This is true even after your passport has expired — you can then gain admittance to the USA by taking both your new, valid passport and the expired one containing the visa.
    If you are going to the USA to work or study, your American employer or university will normally send you the necessary forms and tell you what to do.

    Контрольная работа № 2
    Before boarding the plane, you are requested to present a valid passport together with a customs declaration ensuring that you are not violating any of your country's laws. Thus it is important to know the existing regulations concerning the export of currency and goods (merchandise), Upon arrival in a foreign country, you will have your passport inspected by the immigration service. Occasionally you may have your luggage checked by a customs officer. This is done to prevent importation of goods which for various reasons (economic, health, security, etc.) appear undesirable to the country's administration.
    That is why it is equally important to be aware of restrictions imposed on travelers entering a foreign country,
    The US Customs Service supplies all people coming to the United States with details of currently existing regulations. They are to be found at the back of the customs declaration form:
    8.1. WARNING
    The smuggling or unlawful importation of controlled stances regardless of amount is a violation of U.S. law. Accuracy of your declaration may be verified through questioning and physical search.
    8.2.    Agricultural Products
    To prevent the entry of dangerous agricultural pests the following are restricted: fruits, vegetables, plants, plant products, soil, meats, meat products, birds, snails, and other live animals or animal products- Failure to declare all such items to a Customs/Agriculture Officer can result in fines or other penalties.
    8.3.    Currency and Monetary Instruments
    The transportation of currency or monetary instruments", regardless of amount, is legal; however, if you take out of or bring into (or are about to take out of or bring into) the United States more than $10,000' (U.S. or foreign equivalent, or a combination of the two) in coin, currency, travelers checks or bearer instruments such as money orders, checks, stocks or bonds, you are required by law to file a report with the U.S. Customs Service. If you have the currency or instruments carried for you by someone else, you must also file the report. Failure to file the required report or false statements on the report may lead to seizure of the currency or instruments and to civil penalties and/or criminal prosecution.
    8.4. Merchandise
    U.S. residents must declare the total value of all articles acquired abroad (whether new or used, whether dutiable* or not, and whether obtained by purchase, as a gift, or otherwise), including those purchases made in duty free stores in the U.S. or abroad, which are in their or their family's possession at the time of arrival. Visitors must declare the total value of all gifts and commercial items, including samples they are bringing with them.
    The amount of duty to be paid will be determined by a Customs officer. U.S. residents are normally entitled to a duty free exemption of $400* on those items accompanying them; nonresidents are normally entitled to an exemption of $100, Both residents and non-residents will normally be required to pay a flat 10% rate" of duty on the first $1,000 above their exemptions.

    Контрольная работа № 3
    Вариант 1
    You must declare all articles acquired abroad and in your possession at the time of your return. This includes: Articles that you purchased. Gifts presented to you while abroad, such as wedding or birthday presents.
    Repairs or alterations made to any articles taken abroad and returned, whether or not repairs or alterations were free of charge.
    Items you have been requested to bring home for another person.
    Any articles you intend to sell or use in your business.
    In addition, you must declare any articles acquired in the United States. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, or Guam and not companying you at the time of your return.
    The price actually paid for each article must be stated bon your declaration in United States currency or its equivalent in country of acquisition. If the article was not purchased, obtain an estimate of its fair retail value in the country in which it was acquired.
    Note: The wearing or use of any article acquired abroad does not exempt it from duty. It must be declared at the price you paid for it. The customs officer will make an appropriate in its value for significant wear and use.

    Контрольная работа № 4
    Violation of such customs regulations which envisage imposition of a penalty in a simplified form.
    Customs regulations present a body of laws governing the order of customs business management in the Russian Federation. Unlawful activity or inactivity of a person infringing on the order laid down by the Russian legislative acts concerning customs business and the RF international agreements the fulfillment of which is controlled by Russian customs bodies and which are liable for penalty under the RF Customs Code is qualified as a violation of customs regulations. This section considers the violation of such customs regulations which envisage imposition of a penalty in a simplified form. The SIMPLIFIED FORM - is an allowed by the RF Customs Code method of imposition a penalty for violation of customs regulations bringing to a warning or penalty. When the simplified form of penalty imposition for violation of customs regulations is used no case is filled in, no record of evidence is executed while the penalty is imposed as a rule at the place of revealing the violation of law. A customs body official draws up a penalty imposition act. The act is signed by a customs body official and the person made answerable for the violation of customs regulations. A copy of the act is delivered to this person or his representative.
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    prepod2011  Есть поток заказов на отчеты Синергии. готов в личку слать логин и пароль,
    Ваша задача все делать по ключ. заполнять все сопроводительные документы,
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    Объявления Уведомления  ?
    Kramer Взялась за срочную работу, потом еще подтвердила, что пришлет ночью. В итоге работы нет и даже на сайт не зашла, чтобы что-то ответить((    
    _Любовь_ Благодарю за качественное выполнение заказа, буду рад работать с Вами еще!  
    c264 Большое спасибо за оперативное выполнение!  
    374818 Constантин Все кратко и по делу! Крутой дядька! Рекомендую!  
    tango Большое спасибо за работы!  
    Nata0610 Давно сотрудничаю с Натальей. Всегда уверена в качестве работ, аккуратности оформления и сроках выполнения. Отдельная благодарность за готовность всегда прийти на помощь даже по специфическим заказам.  
    SiberianWolf Спасибо все вылнено в срок .  
    wroni Спасибо за работу!!! Все выполнено в срок,всегда на связи! Рекомендую!  
    DenisChigrev В связи с тем что одногруппник отказался от его работы , завысил ценник , сроки не соблюдает от слова совсем. Работа по итогу так и не выполнена.    
    bushka Спасибо большое за сложную работу, выполненную в ехель  
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